Transport Consultancy 2

Built Asset Optimisation


Improving the profitability of a transport business relies on understanding what customers need and how much they are willing to pay; and understanding the demand, cost and revenue implications of an investment.

EWL offer integrated teams with expertise including customer satisfaction surveys, willingness to pay studies, financial analysis, stakeholder engagement, scheme design and cost estimation, modelling and forecasting, risk analysis and business case development.

Our clients include governments, National rail and highway agencies, train operators, toll road concessionaires, and international institutions.

Transport Research & Surveys


Understanding travel patterns, preferences and behaviour helps transport providers to better provide for transport demand, increase market share and revenues, and meet customer expectations of quality of service.

Our teams have expertise in household and traveller surveys, traffic and passenger count design and analysis, travel time surveys, customer satisfaction surveys, attitudinal studies, and willingness to pay research (including Stated and Revealed Preference).

Forecasting Transport Demand against Capacity Modelling


Forecasts of transport demand can be useful for host of applications including developing transport strategies to serve growing populations; tackling congested roads, stations and public transport services; optimising public transport; improving revenues from transport provision; securing financing and funding; designing new infrastructure; assessing and tackling local air quality and noise problems; and reducing the carbon foot-print.

We advise on proportionate approaches and employ a range of modelling techniques including highway and public transport modelling, micro-simulation, variable demand models, pedestrian simulation, and econometric analysis.

Engineering and Environment


We deliver engineering and environmental expertise for rail schemes that are both feasible and affordable. We have advised a funding partner of Rail Link Engineering Ltd, the project management and engineering team which delivered HS1 on time and within budget. As a member of this consortium we managed the infrastructure design and construction and oversaw the construction of tunnels, bridges and viaducts, rail track and overhead catenary, in-cab signalling, power supplies and state-of-the-art telecommunication systems. Once built, we also managed the detailed programme of testing and commissioning the line.


Freight & Logistics


Freight services and logistics are essential to economic well being. We assist client to answer questions such as:

•  What freight and logistics infrastructure is required?

• How to manage the interaction of goods and passengers traffic?

• How to reduce the environmental impact of transport?

• What are the financial, social and environmental impacts of potential investments?

Our services include logistic surveys, freight modelling and forecasting, socio-economic and environmental impact appraisals, operational optimisation, and freight infrastructure feasibility studies.